
Harley Seelbinder

A Fresh Perspective on Quitting Porn

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

As someone who stands 500 days strong in freedom from porn, I've gained insights that might shift your perspective on overcoming addiction. It's common to count the days in an effort to measure progress, but here's why a different approach could be more beneficial for you.

Counting Days: Is It Helping or Hindering?

Knowing your progress, such as acknowledging a milestone of days free from porn, can be encouraging. However, the act of daily counting, marking each day as a notch on your belt of recovery, may not be the most constructive path. Here's my take:

Mark the Date, Then Move On

My recommendation? Simply note the date you last watched porn. Then, shift your focus. Your journey isn't about tallying days but about the life you're building free from the shackles of addiction.

Embrace Life's Opportunities

Start enhancing your life. Dive into new tasks, spark new ventures, forge meaningful relationships. Engage fully in the tapestry of life’s offerings. Before you know it, your life will be propelling forward in a remarkable direction.

A Look Back That Inspires

Imagine the surprise and pride in realizing, quite unexpectedly, that it's been 187 days since your last encounter with porn. This realization comes not from daily tallies but from a life lived fully and intentionally.

Live Your Life Unbound

This approach has been a cornerstone of my journey. Instead of daily counts, focus on daily achievements, big or small. Let your life’s richness fill the spaces once occupied by porn.

Need a Guiding Hand?

If the path to quitting porn for good seems daunting, you're not alone. I'm here to offer support, guidance, and the strategies that have helped me reach where I am today. Don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can navigate the road to recovery.

Let's embark on this journey not by counting days, but by making days count.

Book a Clarity Call 📞

If you want to improve the intimacy in your relationship without porn, Book a Call to see how we can help you.

Check Out My Podcast 🎙️

I host a podcast that inspires men to be better ✔️

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To your freedom and beyond,


Harley Seelbinder


Helping men become better. Quit p*rn and build your dream life 📈

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